Nor-Cal Woodturners


Nor-Cal Woodturners Inc is a Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) public charity (tax ID # 45-3007466). Contributions may be deductible under the tax code, but you should contact your own tax consultant to determine how to handle any deductions. 


We appreciate any financial contribution you can make. If you'd like your donation to go toward a specific program, or if you need a Donation Receipt mailed to you, please make a note of that in the "comment" field when making your donation. 


If you'd like to donate tools, materials or equipment please email or with details on what you'd like to donate.


Thank You!!

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Business Name
Primary Phone
Mailing Address
Zip Code
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency
© Nor-Cal Woodturners
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